Saturday, October 3, 2009

Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09 - response

Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09
Saturday, October 3, 2009 7:14:20 PM

Hello all,
Ms. Burt, the fire dept opposed all bumps of any kind and so notified the County of Santa Cruz. The county proceeded anyway,and placed bumps which the fire dept. approves of if their initial objection to all bumps is rejected.The point is that the fire dept cannot stop bumps unless they create a safety hazard. The Martin St. type bumps do not create such a hazard.
Those who paid for the bumps will maintain them.
You yourself recognize that a bump caused accident, or emergency vehicle delay are unlikely events. It is much more likely that a speeder will cause harm, and so preventive measures are necessary.This is not about the Jackson cars being hit,rather the placement of the bump is designed to help reduce speed.
Finally,the fire and paramedic responders enter Florence at the opposite end of the street from the bump unless they reroute for no apparent reason.
I hope this clears up some of the misconceptions.
Jim Jackson


  1. The problem is due to the speed bumps placed on Martin. The county did not do an impact analysis but knew that installing speed bumps on one street diverts traffic onto another. This is exactly what happened to both Florance and Cliff. Drivers peel down Florance and turn onto Cliff instead of going down Martin as they alway did. Ellen Pirie was about as much help on Cliff as she is being on Florance. The solution to the problem is to get the county to remove the speed bumps on Martin or also put them on Cliff after Florance so there is no advantage for them to travel down Florance. Cliff has a real speed problem because people come up the hill from Rio Del Mar beach area and forget to slow down when they hit the flat section. Speeds exceed 40 mph and even complaining to the CHP has brought no patrols to our area.

    A Cliff Street resident

  2. I agree that the County created the problem by putting bumps on Martin. What the County created they shold fix. Part of the solution is to get rid of bumps on Martin so we have 3 arteries that run down towards Hidden Beach.

    I wonder if the technology is out there to inexpensively put cameras up on the trees along Cliff Drive and other artery streets which will capture the cars and license plates. Simple way to show which cars speed excessively. Send pictures to the CHP to follow up with a vist from the friendly police.
