Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sheila Burt's response to Benedetti email

Re: Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 10:22:10 AM
Sheila Burt
To: Kerri Benedetti
Cc: nedrow@pacbell.net; lbsmith317@sbcglobal.net

So much for "we wont have speed bumps, don't worry"

This information you have got together should have been given to Peter, as he will chair Sundays meeting.

This is going to make for a very difficult neighborhood, how can you chose speed bumps over a child's life? how can you go ahead when you clearly have neighbors who don't want speed bumps?

I expect that if you go ahead with your speed bump you will provide a legal document stating the houses that are no's are exempt from being sued when your speed bump causes damage or an accident - just because I live on Florence Drive doesn't mean I should be sued. I will also not contribute to maintaining your speed bump.

Lisa - please go ahead a put this email on the blog, so everyone is aware of the situation.

Sheila Burt


  1. I am sorry for this test. I am trying to figure out how to post my letters of response. this is a test only a test. Kerri Benedetti

  2. That was easy! Here is a copy of my letter to Sheila Burt.

    Re: Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning
    Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:15 PM
    "Kerri Benedetti" to
    "Sheila Burt"

    Don and I have always been for the bumps-never wavered. Peter has the information I obtained. I want to thank you for the request to post the letter. I thought that was happening with all of our letters and that it is Lisa Smith that does this for us without specific request.
    I was very surprised at the information I found at the county building. It was you that prompted me to find out. I listened to your angry accusations about Jackson's doing things that were not legal and read your letter that accused the paving company of doing things without proper permits or following procedures. We felt it was for our own protection to get the truth with regard to your fears about all of being sued. I certainly was not sure and felt they were valid concerns. Now we have the facts. Maybe you should have taken a trip to the planning department to find out when a permit is required and what procedures are needed before you threw verbal accusations around and did the construction on your own property which does require permits. I think you should further consult with your lawyer about the formation of a neighborhood association since that in itself WILL shift the liability from the county onto the members no mater how they voted or who paid. I will say that is my understanding through research on neighborhood associations on the internet and not from actual consultation with my lawyer. However, correct me if I am wrong it seems Jim Jackson indicated the same thing about associatons and or groups with rules and bylaws- he is a lawyer. Right now it is a county road they are liable and that came from the public works. I am satisfied. If you are not then you need to check into it and have Lisa post your findings for all of us. Kerri Benedetti

  3. I posted the comment for Sheila because she was at school and unable to access the blog. I do this for anyone who asks. Why you have to make this a bad thing is beyond me.
