Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From Sheila Burt

From Sheila Burt
I wish to clarify where I stand.
I own a home on Florence Drive. Was not at first meeting. Do not want speed bumps but if the street majority does and they are speed tables as requested by the Fire Department then they happen. I would also like a legal waiver stating that all "no's, do not want speed bumps" are excluded from any maintenance costs and any law suits that may involve these speed tables.
We are all adults here, the procedure seems simple, lets stop this name calling, he said, she said, turning neighbors in to county etc. At the end of the day we all live on this street and will encounter each other in our daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. It was clear at the first meeting that everyone present agreed that speed tables(a.k.a. speed bumps) are the first choice to be installed. Don and I think it should go along our property line on the Worden side. This bump(table) would be placed so it ends at the property line so that it does not obstruct Dianne Flinn's and Peter/ Maureen's Worden's driveway. This places the bump edge roughly 50' from the property line of the Smith's home. If Peter and Maureen would not like that we can move it more to the center of our property. The original thought was to put it between the Mussleman's now Ito home which was agreed upon between the two households in order to slow the people that turn the corner at a quick pace. We feel the other side is a better choice now that we have the new information regarding the peanut allergy in the Smith home. We are willing of course as agreed at the first meeting to pitch in with the costs which we have done by dropping our check off with Cameron and Jim Jackson.
