Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brief recap of Florence Drive meeting 10/11/09

Aptos Fire Chief, Tom Crosser & Fire Marshal, Jim Dias clarified speed tables vs. speed bumps. Martin Drive "humps" are the approved type of humps used by the county and meet fire department standards. Questions and discussion on response time, ripple effect, pollution, etc.

Discussion on what we are and speed bumps. We are not a formal organization. We are neighbors who will follow a process. Process will be all 30 home owners will be notified of any proposals to maintain or make changes to our street. Notification will be in the form of mailers (postal letters), email, and phone calls to try and establish contact to all 30 home owners. Issues will be voted on by ballot with a given time limit. Every attempt will be made to make sure that at least a simple majority (16 homes) have voted.

Speed bumps: no speed bumps will be going in on Thursday 10/15/09.

Three neighbors volunteered to be part of a subcommittee to drive the speed hump ballot process (Peter, Anthea, & Cindy).
All Florence Drive homes and home owners will receive a mailer with a ballot that may state:

Yes for two speed bumps
No for no speed bumps
Yes for one speed bump on the Florence/Cliff end of the street

This ballot will also list the pros & cons of speed bumps. Ballots must be returned by paper, email, or phone calls within a time period decided by the sub-committee.

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