Thursday, October 1, 2009

Email from Jim Jackson re: speed bumps Martin

Thursday, October 1, 2009 7:20:23 PM

There are some correctable misconceptions about the speed bump.
The Martin St. bump is the approved bump. Our county "know it alls" put them in over the objection of the fire dept. As a result the traffic pattern changed,and now cars rocket off Cliff onto Florence jeopardizing the lives of people and pets. Those of us at this end of Florence can attest to the near misses; and if my bench could talk,it would tell of the bangs it has taken.
So this is not a frivolous issue for us,rather it is a safety necessity.
I previously warned that county intervention would be deleterious.They are starved for money. An improved road leads to higher property values. Shall we call the assessor?
All the best,

1 comment:

  1. So the speed bump is not to fire department standard? We have 2 emails from the Jacksons, saying the Fire Dept did not approve the Martin bumps and 1 saying they meet Fire Dept standards - which is it?
    Who is paying to maintain this speed bump? the 5 homes that paid to install it against the street majorities wish, the 11 homes that said yes to speed bumps or the 14 homes at the first meeting that gave the Jacksons the go ahead to do this?
    What happens when these homes move away from the street, is it written into the home sale contract that they maintain the bumps and are open to being sued?
    Who is going to pay if an accidnet happens because of this speed bump, the 5 who paid to install it, the 11 who said yes or the 14 who gave the Jacksons the go ahead to do this?
    Can we get a legal document/waiver that excludes the 16 homes that were not at the meeting and did not give the Jacksons the go ahead, from maintenance bills or being sued in the unlikely event of an accident caused by this speed bump or because this speed bump stops the emergency services getting to a home on Florence in time.
    The positioning of this speed bump "between the Mays and Barron's" does not stop the Jacksons cars from being it, its past their home if you come from Cliff, which I think they say this where most of the traffic comes from?
    Finally I think that we need to find someone else to slurry Florence Drive, a company that goes ahead and does something without a street majority and without following a clearly laid out procedure does not deserve our business or money. Lets help another company who follows the rules, this is hard times for local companies after all!

    October 2, 2009 7:31 PM
