Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is still more information to gather re: bumps

Remember folks the information that Kerri gave us is one person's interpretation of what she was told by a county clerk. The CHP, Fire Department, and County Roads all have different opinions. The CHP will be out to do a traffic safety study for us. County Roads will decide if we are an easement and if so, they have different procedures, and we know what the Fire Department requirements are. This is not the wild west where we can do whatever we want. I'm willing to keep gathering information until we have all the facts.


Lisa Smith

1 comment:

  1. As I stated previously- I gave ALL of the facts to the professionals regarding both sides opinions and fears including what the fire department said (all of the pros and cons) I spoke with and received the answers I reported. I do not know what the actual job title the county uses for these people. They certainly were the people that were the experts, The people that must give the proper information- not the receptionist or information desk. I was not fishing for what I wanted to hear. I am NOT that type of person. I wanted to relay what they told me. I want the truth as much as anyone else. We certainly do not want to break rules. I would NEVER try to mislead anyone. That is just not my way. Thank you, your trustworthy neighbor- Kerri Benedetti
