Thursday, October 8, 2009

From the online Sentinel web-site comments - people do get sued


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1 hr ago

Just a word of caution: Do your legal research before installing those bumps. On our Private road with public access, one of the residents took it upon himself to install speed bumps without telling anyone. He got sued by a guy that damaged his car going too fast over the bump and won!(it was estimated by the police that the driver was doing 45 in a 15 zone...) The court ruled he was liable for the damage since he did not adhere to specific guidelines (whatever those are), when installing the bumps. The driver originally tried to sue the Road Association but had to refile the lawsuit when his lawyer found out the bumps were installed without the Associations approval. When we repaved years later, we paved them over.


  1. Is it a private road or a county road that is not county maintained? What is the case name if you know it?

  2. You need to ask your question on the Sentinel web-site - that's where this came from:
