Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cameron Jackson speed bump update 10/1/09 - click to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Oct. 10, 2009 UPDATE ON BUMPS

    We have agreed with United Paving to install 2 "table bumps" on morning of Thursday, Oct. 15. If raining, work will be next day.

    Please park Wed. night so not go onver bump areas AM of Thursday.

    Painting lines on bumps and and signs saying BUMPS will be done a couple days after the road is sealed Oct. 19.

    Anybody care about arrows versus straight lines on the bumps? Number of BUMPS signs? Bump signs will be painted on asphalt both before and after each bump. Maximum height of bump is 4 inches and tapers to zero on side. The bumps will meet the Guidelines of Fire Dept.

    Cameron Jackson
