Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Slurry seal is happening today Tuesday 10/20 & U.S. mail delivery update

Slurry seal is happening today Tuesday 10/20 & U.S. mail delivery update
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:05:21 AM
Lisa & Bruce Smith [Chat now]

Florence Drive is closed from 8 a.m. (now) until 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The postman will be able to walk the route and deliver our mail.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Mail delivery update for Tuesday & Wednesday

Mail delivery update for Tuesday & Wednesday
Monday, October 19, 2009 9:10:35 AM
Lisa & Bruce Smith [Chat now]

I spoke to the Aptos post office this morning. Our mail carrier will take a look at the route today and let us know if it is possible to walk the route to deliver our mail on Tuesday & Wednesday. I need to call the post office back tomorrow morning for an answer. I'll send an email after I find out.


Slurry CANCELED for today Monday 10/19 - rescheduled for tomorrow Tuesday 10/20

Slurry CANCELED for today Monday 10/19 - rescheduled for tomorrow Tuesday 10/20
Monday, October 19, 2009 8:08:57 AM
Lisa & Bruce Smith [Chat now]

There is a 70% chance of rain today, so Earthworks is canceling the slurry seal for today Monday 10/19. They have rescheduled for tomorrow Tuesday 10/20. Same drill tomorrow morning move cars by 8 a.m. street reopens Wednesday @ 2 p.m.

I'll let you know how the post office will or won't deliver the mail on those days.

I don't have have all the neighbors emails, so please spread the word.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reminder Florence Drive closed for slurry sealing Monday 10/19 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday 10/20/09

Florence Drive will be closed for slurry sealing from 8 a.m. Monday (10/19/09) until 2 p.m. Tuesday (10/20/09). Please don't drive on the street.

Please don't water or wash your cars on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Earthworks is trying to avoid standing water on the street. It's okay to walk down the side of the street. It is best to keep your pets inside so that they don't track the slurry into your home. Earthworks will be using blowers, so if you do leave your car on the street, please roll up your windows.

I'll call the post office Monday morning and find out what happens to the mail. I'll email and post to the blog what I find out about the U.S. postal mail. http://florencedrivestreetassociation.blogspot.com/

Friday, October 16, 2009

From Jim Jackson: clear up some misconceptions regarding quorums and voting

From: "JAJ48@aol.com"

Subject: Re: Fwd Email from Cameron Jackson 10/11/09 meeting

This is to clear up some misconceptions regarding quorums and voting.
A common definition is that "A quorum consists of all those present at any duly announced meeting". This would also include proxies. It does not require the attendance of all eligible voters just like a presidential or senatorial election does not.
What is required is notice to all which is what is commonly called "due process".
The notice may or may not include a ballot on which to vote yea or neigh on a meeting topic, which if filled in would constitute a proxy on that issue at the next meeting.
A majority of a quorum carries the motion.
I hope this helps clarify the issue.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Email fwd from Cameron Jackson 10/11/09 meeting

Cameron asked me to forward this.

FYI: to send email to this group, do a reply all from your mail tool.


Re: Blog update: Brief recap of Florence Drive meeting 10/11/09
Monday, October 12, 2009 9:44:23 PM
Cameron Jackson
To: Lisa & Bruce Smith
From Cameron Jackson to Lisa and Bruce Smith

Please forward this to those on your list. Thanks in advance.

I do not have a complete list nor an easy way to forward.

Attendance at meetings: Those who attended this meeting were from: 8 homes: 215, 210, 211, 222, 224, 227, 202, 206. At the last meeting there were 14. About 1/2 from the first meeting were at the second.

This is a different version than yours as to what occurred at the meeting From Cameron Jackson

The important thing is that we all listened to each other. We talked and got along. I thought it was a good meeting. We did not do anything formal. We listened. (No formal Minutes were ratified or taken. No formal organization created.)

What I learned and responded to : there was no verbal " YEY GREAT Cameron, we want speed bumps this week!" from those that attended the meeting. (Roughly, there were about 1/2 who were at the last meeting were at this meeting.)

The homes who attended were not interested in bumps put in this Thursday, Oct. 15. Hence speed bumps are deferred . No bumps for now.
A letter will be sent out giving options fpr to vote. The "options" listed per Smith is not what I remember we said.

This is what was the options were as I wrote down: (written out and given to committe members)

in favor of bumps: one bump near Cliff and Florence ( ) or two bumps ( ) each end of the street
opposed to bumps one ( ) two ( )
abstain ( )
in favor of bumps but do not want to pay ( )

More on that later.

My view: Think about this:

What can we do as neighbors to be safe on our street and help our neighbors be safe on neighboring streets?

Again, how about getting together informally first week end of Nov. o Sunday for a Say Hello at our end (Cliff and Forence) of the street.

Let us know what you think, Cameron Jackson 688-6002 202 Florence Dr.

Take care, Cameron Jackson drCameronJackson@gmail.com 831 688-6002

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brief recap of Florence Drive meeting 10/11/09

Aptos Fire Chief, Tom Crosser & Fire Marshal, Jim Dias clarified speed tables vs. speed bumps. Martin Drive "humps" are the approved type of humps used by the county and meet fire department standards. Questions and discussion on response time, ripple effect, pollution, etc.

Discussion on what we are and speed bumps. We are not a formal organization. We are neighbors who will follow a process. Process will be all 30 home owners will be notified of any proposals to maintain or make changes to our street. Notification will be in the form of mailers (postal letters), email, and phone calls to try and establish contact to all 30 home owners. Issues will be voted on by ballot with a given time limit. Every attempt will be made to make sure that at least a simple majority (16 homes) have voted.

Speed bumps: no speed bumps will be going in on Thursday 10/15/09.

Three neighbors volunteered to be part of a subcommittee to drive the speed hump ballot process (Peter, Anthea, & Cindy).
All Florence Drive homes and home owners will receive a mailer with a ballot that may state:

Yes for two speed bumps
No for no speed bumps
Yes for one speed bump on the Florence/Cliff end of the street

This ballot will also list the pros & cons of speed bumps. Ballots must be returned by paper, email, or phone calls within a time period decided by the sub-committee.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

United Paving to install 2 "table bumps" on morning of Thursday, Oct. 15.

[Florence Drive Street Association] New comment on Cameron Jackson speed bump update 10/1/09 - click ....
Saturday, October 10, 2009 2:57:45 PM
Cameron Smith Jackson

Oct. 10, 2009 UPDATE ON BUMPS

We have agreed with United Paving to install 2 "table bumps" on morning of Thursday, Oct. 15. If raining, work will be next day.

Please park Wed. night so not go onver bump areas AM of Thursday.

Painting lines on bumps and and signs saying BUMPS will be done a couple days after the road is sealed Oct. 19.

Anybody care about arrows versus straight lines on the bumps? Number of BUMPS signs? Bump signs will be painted on asphalt both before and after each bump. Maximum height of bump is 4 inches and tapers to zero on side. The bumps will meet the Guidelines of Fire Dept.

Cameron Jackson

Posted by Cameron Smith Jackson to Florence Drive Street Association at October 10, 2009 2:57 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This is a what a speed table looks like.

From the online Sentinel web-site comments - people do get sued



Reply »
Report Abuse
1 hr ago

Just a word of caution: Do your legal research before installing those bumps. On our Private road with public access, one of the residents took it upon himself to install speed bumps without telling anyone. He got sued by a guy that damaged his car going too fast over the bump and won!(it was estimated by the police that the driver was doing 45 in a 15 zone...) The court ruled he was liable for the damage since he did not adhere to specific guidelines (whatever those are), when installing the bumps. The driver originally tried to sue the Road Association but had to refile the lawsuit when his lawyer found out the bumps were installed without the Associations approval. When we repaved years later, we paved them over.

Article from Sentinel 10/8/09

Aptos residents argue the merits of installing speed bumps on Florence Drive
Posted: 10/08/2009 01:30:55 AM PDT

Click photo to enlarge
Rio Del Mar resident Jim Jackson painted white lines on Florence Dr. in... (Dan Coyro/Sentinel)

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RIO DEL MAR -- A handful of residents are bickering and blogging over the idea of speed bumps on their street in Rio del Mar.

Some say the bumps are needed on Florence Drive to slow drivers speeding through the neighborhood, while others worry that a bump in the road will delay response from the fire department during an emergency.

County public works officials say Florence Drive is a private road with public access, so the decision to install bumps -- and pay for them -- is entirely up to the 30 property owners.

"It's really dividing the street," said Lisa Smith, who has lived on Florence Drive for 13 years. "What are the rules? Are we really the Wild West where we can do whatever we want?"

Smith is opposed to speed bumps because of safety issues related to her 10-year-old daughter, who is allergic to peanuts.

The possible need for a paramedic constantly weighs on Smith's mind as the slightest contact with a peanut can block air passage and become potentially fatal if medical response is not immediate, she said.

"Time is of the essence," Smith said.

Others on Florence Drive, like retired attorney Jim Jackson, are tired of watching cars whiz down their street to get to either Cliff or Martin drives.

Jackson said he's seen enough "near misses" between cars and dogs and cats to justify the bumps.

Jackson and a neighbor painted white arrows on the road in front of his house to get drivers used to the idea of having
a bump in that area. "These people come around the corner and really rip," Jackson said. "The traffic is too fast by far."

Aptos/La Selva Fire Chief Tom Crosser said research has shown speed bumps, depending on their design, can affect response times.

He warns residents about the unintended consequence a bump can have. "The design we require is wide enough and gradual enough so that the fire apparatus isn't required to stop," Crosser said. "It can go over it without stopping."

Jackson said the neighbors in favor of bumps have pitched in enough money to pay for one, about $650.

Florence Drive residents recently created a blog at florencedrivestreetassociation.blogspot.com to discuss the speed bump issue. A meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Rio del Mar Tennis Club with representatives from the Aptos fire station to air concerns and attempt to reach a consensus.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

From: Ellen Pirie County Supervisor re: speed bump process

RE: Need speed bump clarification on Florence Drive Aptos - ASAP
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 10:39:08 AM
Ellen Pirie
To: Lisa & Bruce Smith
Dear Lisa;

Thank you for the email. Unfortunately, I'm on my way out of the office until the 19th. There is a process for speed bumps and I will ask my aide Robin Musitelli to get back to you about it. She will be in later today or tomorrow.

Ellen Pirie

Fire Marshal response conversation with Jim Jackson

RE: Fwd: Fire Marshall re Martin Dr bumps & Florence Dr. situation
Thursday, October 1, 2009 3:50:47 PM
Jim Dias
To: Lisa & Bruce Smith ; Tom Crosser

Lisa & Bruce,

Thank you for forwarding the correspondence from Cameron Jackson. I did finally have a conversation with Mr. Jackson, and as stated below, the Jackson’s intend to have Earthworks install one speed bump down at the Cliff Drive end of Florence, and it is to meet the same profile standards as those on Martin Drive. Thank you for the inquiry and concern of making sure that it is done right.


Jim Jackson's response Re: More information to be gathered re: speed bumps

Re: More information to be gathered re: speed bumps
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 2:57:10 PM

Hello all,
I spoke to the fire marshal and he says that a choice need be made between bumps and no bumps based on safety and delay. Either choice is ok per him.
Kerri's information is confirmed on the written opinion she received.
We had a traffic study done years ago which resulted not in a stop sign on Cliff where the speeding occurs,but rather behind a tree on Florence which is of course useless.
Finally,every street is an easement for the public at large save those which are private.
All the best,

There is still more information to gather re: bumps

Remember folks the information that Kerri gave us is one person's interpretation of what she was told by a county clerk. The CHP, Fire Department, and County Roads all have different opinions. The CHP will be out to do a traffic safety study for us. County Roads will decide if we are an easement and if so, they have different procedures, and we know what the Fire Department requirements are. This is not the wild west where we can do whatever we want. I'm willing to keep gathering information until we have all the facts.


Lisa Smith

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From Sheila Burt

From Sheila Burt
I wish to clarify where I stand.
I own a home on Florence Drive. Was not at first meeting. Do not want speed bumps but if the street majority does and they are speed tables as requested by the Fire Department then they happen. I would also like a legal waiver stating that all "no's, do not want speed bumps" are excluded from any maintenance costs and any law suits that may involve these speed tables.
We are all adults here, the procedure seems simple, lets stop this name calling, he said, she said, turning neighbors in to county etc. At the end of the day we all live on this street and will encounter each other in our daily lives.

Lee & Shelley May's response to can't make the Sunday meeting

RE: Florence Drive Association
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 12:26:51 PM
Lee May
To: Lisa & Bruce Smith

Hi Bruce and Lisa-

Would you be so kind as to represent us (as proxy) at the Association meeting this weekend.

Shelley and I support the speed bump at the Cliff end of Florence Drive. We would also support a "speed table," as defined by the fire department, at the Martin end of the street.

The speed table would allow for better access by emergency vehicles as well as provide a way to slow traffic.

I would really like to see everyone on the street working cooperatively. The speed bump issues are real and they do have solutions. I do not believe it is in anyone's best interest to act unilaterally. We all want to see our property protected and enjoy the beautiful area where we live. Adversarial behavior only leads to ill will and possible legal actions.


Lee and Shelley May
205 Florence Drive


Jim Jackson's response to Sheila Burt

Fw: Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 2:00:53 PM
Sheila Burt [Chat now]
To: Lisa Smith

--- On Tue, 10/6/09, JAJ48@aol.com wrote:

From: JAJ48@aol.com
Subject: Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09
To: burtsusa@pacbell.net
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 1:33 PM

Hello Ms.Burt,
Without knowing what kind of accident you are talking about, I cannot even guess who the suer and suee might be. The same applies to the emergency vehicle question. It would seem that the time necessary to pass over a speed bump would not be more than a second or two. And if west Santa Cruz, where bumps are the rule not the exception is any gauge, no dire results have ensued.
I know of no lawsuits involving emergency responders being delayed by traffic bumps.
All the best,

Sheila Burt's response to Benedetti email

Re: Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 10:22:10 AM
Sheila Burt
To: Kerri Benedetti
Cc: nedrow@pacbell.net; lbsmith317@sbcglobal.net

So much for "we wont have speed bumps, don't worry"

This information you have got together should have been given to Peter, as he will chair Sundays meeting.

This is going to make for a very difficult neighborhood, how can you chose speed bumps over a child's life? how can you go ahead when you clearly have neighbors who don't want speed bumps?

I expect that if you go ahead with your speed bump you will provide a legal document stating the houses that are no's are exempt from being sued when your speed bump causes damage or an accident - just because I live on Florence Drive doesn't mean I should be sued. I will also not contribute to maintaining your speed bump.

Lisa - please go ahead a put this email on the blog, so everyone is aware of the situation.

Sheila Burt

Our concern as parents of an anaphylaxis shock child

Our concern as parents of an anaphylaxis shock child
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:00:38 AM
Lisa & Bruce Smith [Chat now]
To: Kerri Benedetti
Cc: Bruce
Kerri & Don,

We come to you as parents of a child with a deadly peanut allergy. If our daughter comes into contact with peanuts or products containing peanuts, we only have a certain amount of time to save her life (see attached article), We have been told by her doctor and the fire department the speed bumps do slow response time. Have you ever seen anyone in anaphylaxis shock? It is very scary.

No person on our street has ever died from a speeder. Our daughter could die if the emergency response vehicles can't reach her in time. You two have children. Please put yourselves in our shoes. We know this is our burden to bear, but could you really feel good about putting in speed bumps if it risks a child's life?


Lisa & Bruce Smith

Response: Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning

Re: Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 8:46:31 AM
Kerri Benedetti

to the neighbors of Florence drive,

After the flurry of letters and many questions and accusations that have circulated on our street I decided it was time to so some fact finding. I made two trips to the county building as the planning/zoning department has limited hours. I found some interesting facts that affect all of us.
I paid for documentation that Is now in the possession of the Jacksons as Don and I will not be in town for the meeting. If the Jacksons are not able to attend the meeting Norma Ebert will bring the info.

1-In September of 1926 a group of people sold the land we now live on to be developed.

2-in that documentation the roads that are in our neighborhood were dedicated as public access. Some of the roads it was decided would not be county maintained. Florence drive is one.

3-The public works department room 410 was the department I was directed to start with. This department oversees the roadways. This is where I aquired the information on when the roads were dedicated and for what. They printed the information out for 32.00. The department explained the difference between a public access road privately maintained and a private road.
Private street -homeowners are allowed prevent others from using their road. Homeowners are responsible for traffic control, maintenance and are fully liable for accidents that occur due to their negligence to keep road safe.
Privately Maintained Road- Homeowners are not allowed to prevent the public from using the road. The homeowners are required to maintain the road at their own expense. There are no rules forcing anyone to pitch into the costs. There are no rules on the type of surface. The homeowners are responsible for traffic control. There are no rules nor regulations about how to do this. Furthermore there are no permits required to upgrade,repair,maintain or add speed control bumps to these streets. There are no approved nor illegal designs of bumps.

I found this hard to believe in a society with so many rules, regulations and fees. I asked if the person in the department if he was positive about this because we had received a letter from the fire department outlining procedures for our area. The public works department said that I was given the proper information- the fire department has no power over our decision. The person I talked with said if I was worried that I should go to the Planning department to enquire they have zoning information and permit applications and requirements and of course I could speak with my lawyer to have him explain if I was still worried. I went to the department it was closing (11:30am) for the day. I returned yesterday- you have the report that the person files after the resident/customer meeting it is a computer generated form so you will see a disclaimer at the bottom that mentions projects. This disclaimer is for people that must submit permits which he would have directed me to do if it was required.

The person I spoke to in the planning and zoning department told me the same thing. He said this is a Civil issue. I asked him to explain what that meant as it pertained to this issue. He said simply it is up to us. There are no rules. I was quite shocked! No rules...we can decide to agree...or be in disagreement. It is up to us as individuals to decide how involved we want to be in maintaining and preserving our investment as well as protecting the people and animals that live on our street. There are no rules on majority will rule- nothing...

Just as the county decided that the safety of those living on Martin drive is more important than the concerns for the fire trucks having to drive over the three bumps we should put our residents and investment first. The fire department distributed recommendations. There are people that are in disapproval of the bumps on this street, these residents carry the same weight as the fire department as far as input regarding the installation and design. Those that are paying for the bumps have control over the placement and design of the bumps. The people want to honor the design request of the fire department.

Don and I figured out that there is almost enough money to pay for the entire project which includes the two bumps out of the six thousand dollars that Peter has collected. We feel that it will make people feel better if they are involved in the process. As it stands now the one end of the street (jackson,may) has collected enough funds to do the bump the same as on Martin. It has been decided that the 229 end of the street will need to collect the funds and proceed on their own. Don and I are willing to pay for the bump... it will be the one you see on Kenneth and parts of (?) Kingsbury (which are legal just not preferred by the fire department and residents). We like those best and they are what we will be able to afford. We are not going to go door to door asking for money-- everyone is aware of the costs and proposed design and the fact that Cameron Jackson is collecting the funds and organizing the two bumps that everyone agrees are the best choice.The bump we like takes up less space on the street and is of course less costly. If the residents on this street would like to pitch in or Peter decides to release the funds towards the two bump project then we will pitch in our part of the balance. We will not be at the meeting as I stated before. We felt we should let people know what we are thinking and planning. The bump edge will end at the telephone pole (between our property and mussleman's old house) as our households have agreed this spot does not make entrance into any driveway difficult.

Kerri and Don Benedetti

Email response from the Smith family re: planning dept. paper

Note from Kerri Benedetti re: zoning
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:33:22 AM
Lisa & Bruce Smith

The note this morning from the Planning Department is not new information. The fire department has the authority on private streets.

In our discussion with the fire department and as Jim Jackson states below:

"Finally,the fire and paramedic responders enter Florence at the opposite end of the street from the bump unless they reroute for no apparent reason.""

We understand this to mean no speed bumps will be put in on the Martin side of Florence leaving it open for emergency vehicles.

Lisa & Bruce Smith

From Kerri Benedetti - Planning dept. document - click to enlarge.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Response from Lee May - email blast

Re: Email blast
Monday, October 5, 2009 12:47:08 PM
Lee May
Cc: Lisa & Bruce Smith
Hi Peter-

Shelley and I (205 Florence Drive) appreciate all your efforts. We will be in New York and cannot attend the Sunday event.

Our preference would be to leave the association as informal as possible. If we can attend by proxy, we would like Lisa and Bruce Smith to represent our interests.

Please feel free to post our comments on the blog or share them with our Florence neighbors.


Lee May

Response from Sheila Burt to Jim Jackson

From: Sheila Burt
Subject: Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09
To: JAJ48@aol.com
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 9:42 AM

You have left many of the questions I raised unanswered. Who gets sued when an accident happens or your speed bump stops the emergency crews from responding in time etc

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Email blast from Peter Worden 10/4/09

Sunday, October 4, 2009 5:30:32 PM

Good news I received payment from all 30 residents for the patching and slurring of our street.

Just a reminder that there is a meeting next Sunday the 11th at 4 p.m. at the Tennis club of Rio Del Mar. The tennis club is located at 369 Sandlewood (Rio Del Mar towards Deluxe left on Beachpines, left on Sandlewood).

I hope to have a majority of the street attend. The proposed agenda is:

I. Review minutes of first meeting.

II. What are we and what do we want to be?
Formal association, club, group of neighbors?
Need officers and procedures?

III. Follow Roberts Rules of Order?

IV. Update and discussion on speed bumps.

Please email me back and let me know if you will be attending. It's important that we have a quorum. It will be difficult to make these decisions without the majority of the street present. My goal is for this to be over, but that we did it right.

Thanks in advance,

Peter Worden

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09 - response

Re: Florence Drive blog has been updated 10/3/09
Saturday, October 3, 2009 7:14:20 PM

Hello all,
Ms. Burt, the fire dept opposed all bumps of any kind and so notified the County of Santa Cruz. The county proceeded anyway,and placed bumps which the fire dept. approves of if their initial objection to all bumps is rejected.The point is that the fire dept cannot stop bumps unless they create a safety hazard. The Martin St. type bumps do not create such a hazard.
Those who paid for the bumps will maintain them.
You yourself recognize that a bump caused accident, or emergency vehicle delay are unlikely events. It is much more likely that a speeder will cause harm, and so preventive measures are necessary.This is not about the Jackson cars being hit,rather the placement of the bump is designed to help reduce speed.
Finally,the fire and paramedic responders enter Florence at the opposite end of the street from the bump unless they reroute for no apparent reason.
I hope this clears up some of the misconceptions.
Jim Jackson

Sheila Burt's comments on post "Email from Jim Jackson re: speed bumps Martin":

From Sheila Burt:

So the speed bump is not to fire department standard? We have 2 emails from the Jacksons, saying the Fire Dept did not approve the Martin bumps and 1 saying they meet Fire Dept standards - which is it?
Who is paying to maintain this speed bump? the 5 homes that paid to install it against the street majorities wish, the 11 homes that said yes to speed bumps or the 14 homes at the first meeting that gave the Jacksons the go ahead to do this?
What happens when these homes move away from the street, is it written into the home sale contract that they maintain the bumps and are open to being sued?
Who is going to pay if an accident happens because of this speed bump, the 5 who paid to install it, the 11 who said yes or the 14 who gave the Jacksons the go ahead to do this?
Can we get a legal document/waiver that excludes the 16 homes that were not at the meeting and did not give the Jacksons the go ahead, from maintenance bills or being sued in the unlikely event of an accident caused by this speed bump or because this speed bump stops the emergency services getting to a home on Florence in time.
The positioning of this speed bump "between the Mays and Barron's" does not stop the Jacksons cars from being hit, it's past their home if you come from Cliff, which I think they say this where most of the traffic comes from?
Finally I think that we need to find someone else to slurry Florence Drive, a company that goes ahead and does something without a street majority and without following a clearly laid out procedure does not deserve our business or money. Lets help another company who follows the rules, this is hard times for local companies after all!

Posted by Sheila Burt to Florence Drive Street Association at October 3, 2009 1:05 PM

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Email from Jim Jackson re: speed bumps Martin

Thursday, October 1, 2009 7:20:23 PM

There are some correctable misconceptions about the speed bump.
The Martin St. bump is the approved bump. Our county "know it alls" put them in over the objection of the fire dept. As a result the traffic pattern changed,and now cars rocket off Cliff onto Florence jeopardizing the lives of people and pets. Those of us at this end of Florence can attest to the near misses; and if my bench could talk,it would tell of the bangs it has taken.
So this is not a frivolous issue for us,rather it is a safety necessity.
I previously warned that county intervention would be deleterious.They are starved for money. An improved road leads to higher property values. Shall we call the assessor?
All the best,

Fire Marshall re Martin Dr bumps & Florence Dr. situation

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cameron Jackson
Date: Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Fire Marshall re Martin Dr bumps & Florence Dr. situation
To: drcameronjackson@gmail.com, jaj48@aol.com

To: homes along Florence Dr.

Date: 10-1-09 3pm

Jim Jackson spoke this afternoon with Aptos/La Selva Fire Marshall Jim Dias today, 9-29-09. Fire Marshall Dias said that the Fire Dept opposed bumps on Martin Drive. The Fire Dept advised the County of Santa Cruz that its bumps posed a safety hazard. The County ignored the Fire Dept and the County put bumps on Martin. So the County caused the problem.

The Fire Marshall recognizes the problems at Cliff and Florence. The Fire Dept now has to take a different route to get to the end of Cliff Dr. The County bumps have caused more drivers to use Cliff Dr. and other streets including Florence. We are as he said in a "catch 22" situation. The Fire Marshall advised Florence residents to use our judgment.

And we have. We have opted for safety of persons & animals on Florence Dr. Our bump is the kind t recommended by the Fire Dept. -- unlike those on Kenneth and Kingsbury.

Cameron Jackson speed bump update 10/1/09 - click to enlarge